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Best sales

Viewing product combinations in a table
Displays combinations with different prices in a table. Intended for wholesale and regular buyers. Increases the average cart value.
19,99 €
One working hour of PrestaShop programmer [by Maksim T., 1 hour]
One working hour of professional programmer of PrestaShop. Performed by: Maksim T.
25,99 €
RoboKassa payment
Accept payments by bank cards, online banking, e-money, mobile operators and instant payment terminals.
19,99 €
«Grid» for «Viewing product combinations in a table» module
The template for the module, designed to display in the form of a grid of combinations that are made by two attributes, for example, size and color.
9,99 €
Sort products in-stock first
Moves products that are unavailable for sale to the end of the lists on different pages or blocks, respecting the configured sorting.
19,99 €
Delete language prefix
The module removes language prefixes for the default language of your store.
11,99 €
Product combination features CombiFeatures
This module allows you to assign a different name, short/full description and features for each combination of product in the store individually.
27,99 €
Product price range (max and min prices)
The module allows to display a range of product prices in any format and in any place.
19,99 €
PrestaShop data exchange with 1C:Enterprise
Integrates PrestaShop with «1C:Enterprise 8» to enable a data exchange between these systems (products, orders, etc).
79,99 €
User internal balance UserBalance
With this module, store customers can fill up in advance personal account and immediately pay from it all purchases in the store.
29,99 €
Delivery by PickPoint
Adds PickPoint delivery method for regions of Russia. This module only for Russia.
19,99 €
Extended Affiliate Program RefPRO
The Professional Affiliate Program module allows you to organize a classical multi-level affiliate program and loyalty program in the store.
69,99 €
Duplicate order
The module allows you to duplicate any order of the store in two clicks, with the possibility of editing it in the process.
9,99 €
Editing currency settings for PrestaShop 1.7
The module allows you to configure the basic currency settings in PrestaShop 1.7.
9,99 €
Atom SEO Pack Generator - generator of SEO content
Unique tool for automatic generation: short description, description, meta-title, meta-description, meta-keywords for products.
39,99 €
Category export/import for quick editing
The module allows one-click export/import of all categories of the store for quick editing.
8,99 €
Automated currency switch
Provides an automated change a currency and a language for a client in accordance with your settings.
19,99 €
Product features icons
The module allows you to visualize the properties (features) of the product, by adding an individual icon to each property.
10,99 €
Price on request
With this module, the client can agree on a reasonable price for the goods of the store with the administrator.
9,99 €
E-Mails templates editor
Easy editor of all E-mail templates of your shop. It helps you change and create individual style.
19,99 €
PrestaShop consultation [by Maksim T., 10 minutes]
PrestaShop consultation (discussion and solution of your questions). Performed by: Maksim T.
3,99 €
Simple news block
A simple module for creating and managing news with the necessary and sufficient set of functions.
9,99 €
Mailing newsletter
Sends e-mails to subscribers and reminds them of an abandoned cart, stimulating them to complete the order.
19,99 €
Adding products by users Pro
With this module, any customer can become a seller and offer his/her products to sell in your store.
57,99 €
Call back to customer
Capture customers you may lost when employees are busy or a work day is over. Let them order a free call back.
9,99 €
HrefLang - localized versions of pages
This module helps search crawlers correctly recognize the store pages, translated to different languages.
8,99 €
Template and style editor of any module and theme
Edit templates and styles of all your modules and themes right from the admin panel.
24,99 €
Store code change scanner
This module monitors changes in the code of the shop's core files in order to prevent unauthorized interference with the site's code.
11,99 €
Installing PrestaShop [by Sharo Ltd., 3 hour]
Installing PrestaShop on the hosting offered by you or recommended by us. Performer: Sharo Ltd.
68,99 €