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PrestaShop modules for the frontend.

Frontend features for PrestaShop.

Product price range (max and min prices)
The module allows to display a range of product prices in any format and in any place.
19,99 €
Sort products in-stock first
Moves products that are unavailable for sale to the end of the lists on different pages or blocks, respecting the configured sorting.
19,99 €
Simple news block
A simple module for creating and managing news with the necessary and sufficient set of functions.
9,99 €
Price on request
With this module, the client can agree on a reasonable price for the goods of the store with the administrator.
9,99 €
Call back to customer
Capture customers you may lost when employees are busy or a work day is over. Let them order a free call back.
9,99 €
Top sellers block (zapalm version)
Add a block that displaying the shop's top sellers. In this version you will found a new design and two new options: you can set the number of products to be displayed in this block and you can turn on/off the showing random top sellers.
Enhanced featured products on homepage
Allows displaying featured products on homepage and has flexible settings.
Tabular products filter
Allows you to filter all catalog products and display them in a table.
Products simple filter
Allows to filter products by attributes and by other features.
Categories on the homepage
Highlight categories on homepage to make featured categories of your store.
Authentication block
A module that allows to display the authentication block.
Store contacts
Displays store contact information in a block, footer and separate page.
New products block (zapalm version)
Add a block that displaying the shop's newly added products. In this version you will found a new design and a new option: you can turn on/off the showing random new products.
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