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Module Mailing newsletter
for PrestaShop 1.6, 1.5

Sends e-mails to subscribers and reminds them of an abandoned cart, stimulating them to complete the order.
19,99 €

About author

Maksim T.
Maksim T.
Works since 2010.
Products: 47.


The customer service for this component does not include free personal consultations. Only business offers and important information are accepted.


Short description

This is the simple module that allows to send newsletters to customers that is subscribed to news in theirs accounts or by the newsletters block.


The module has a normal installation (one click to install).


  • Real-time emailing newsletters (you can watch the process and control it and also you can test before real emailing).
  • Selection of the data source for the mailing list: subscribers, abandoned cart customers, or a specified e-mail list.
  • Multi-language support (a customer can choose his language; you can send newsletter to customers with concrete language).
  • The module has features to protect your shop's email from blocking by antispam systems.
  • The module adds UTM-labels for each URL (these labels are important thing for a marketing campaign).
  • The module adds unsubscribe link to each newsletter for one click unsubscribe (this link also include UTM-labels).
  • The module also adds the subscribers block to different places of a site.
  • The module stops emailing process on errors and logging emailing problems.
  • And other features (see screenshots).


The demo video is outdated, but screenshots are actual.

With this module the default module "Block Newsletter" (blocknewsletter) will no longer be needed.

Available hooks (for the block):

  • Footer
  • Right Column
  • Left Column (default)


Demo video clip (v1.0.0):

Data sheet

  • Compatible with versions of PrestaShop: 1.6, 1.5
  • Compatible with versions of PHP: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
  • PHP options "auto_prepend_file" and "auto_append_file": must be disabled
  • Requires ionCube extension for PHP: 10.3.9 or newer
  • Installation: normal
  • Uses PrestaShop classes override system: no
  • Core modifications: no
  • Includes a documentation: yes
  • Includes free consultations: no
  • Translated into languages: EN, RU
  • Version: 1.23.0 (2022-07-15)
  • License: Proprietary license for closed-source software
  • Product type: Module
Ondrobak M. 01/23/2020 22:07:45


Kowalski S. 03/8/2019 01:58:07

Since update of 1.19.0 the module became very useful, despite the low price. It has a specific functions, which are necessary to create effective mailing by using own mail server. I am recommend this module for those merchants!

v0.1.0 (2012-09-12)
	+ the first release of the module for PrestaShop 1.3-1.4
v0.3.0 (2015-02-12)
	+ multiple improvements
	+ adding PrestaShop 1.5-1.6 support
v0.3.1 (2015-02-21)
	+ some code improvements
v0.7.0 (2015-03-15)
	+ added subscribing block
	+ multiple code improvements
v0.7.1 (2015-10-14)
	+ 'max' property of the 'prestashop versions compliancy' setting was removed
v1.0.0 (2016-08-28)
	+ added UTM-labels support (automatically generate UTM-labels and include to each link of 
	+ automatically adding unsubscribe link to each newsletter for one click unsubscribe (this link 
	  also include UTM-labels)
	+ footer subscription block styling (for PrestaShop 1.6)
	+ added displaying a number of remaining letters to send
	+ improvement of the emailing test (a real customer are now used instead of email of the shop)
	+ 'prestashop versions compliancy' setting was fully removed (because it may cause an error in 
	  PrestaShop 1.5)
	+ some improvements in the code
v1.1.0 (2017-01-21)
	+ added feature to stop emailing on exceptions (php exceptions)
	+ added logging details of errors/exceptions (only PrestaShop 1.6)
v1.4.0 (2018-10-26)
	+ added option to run the mailing through the CRON
	+ solved a problem with switching to a mailing language
	+ fixed a problem: sometimes was a problem with separating of parameters of UTM-labels
	+ simplified the algorithm for formation URL-labels (and also has made URL encoding)
	+ updated translations
	+ some improvements in the code
v1.8.0 (2018-10-28)
	+ own mailer class was developed
	+ added the ability to send via SMTP, specified in the module settings
	+ added option to pause mailing when a message limit is reached, until the next hour begins
	+ improved the algorithm for logging messages to the log, because of duplicate messages
	+ some improvements in the code
v1.11.0 (2018-10-31)
	+ added the reference of invalid emails to avoid e-mailing (a customer will be also unsubscribed 
	  from the newsletter on adding his e-mail to this reference)
	+ an automatically filling a name of a site was removed from a letter subject
	+ added the option to specify a subheader to a letter
	+ added new variables for assignation to a letter template: a subject and a title
	+ improved a language detection by an e-mail domain
	+ added the display of warning before uninstalling the module, since it deletes data from the database
v1.12.0 (2018-11-30)
	+ added support for Swift 4.0, which is used in recent versions of PrestaShop 1.6.
v1.19.0 (2018-12-27)
	+ drop support PrestaShop 1.3 and PrestaShop 1.4
	+ improved the support of old versions of PrestaShop 1.5 and 1.6
	+ added the option to send reminders for abandoned carts
	+ added support for international e-mails (for example, example@pпресташоп.рф)
	+ added improved: when a customer unsubscribing from the e-mailing, his email in any case no longer
	  will be used in any e-mailing from the module and also an information about a marketing company was
	  saved on unsubscribing
	+ improved the module's Mailer (fixed two problems that were inherited from the standard Mail class)
	+ multiple improvements in the code
v1.20.0 (2019-10-01)
	+ processing of HTML message tags has been done (unnecessary ones are automatically removed and 
	  replaced with more supported ones)
	+ fixed class autoloader
v1.20.1 (2019-11-22)
	+ added check that UTM tags are not added to links where they already exist initially
	+ some improvements in the code
v1.21.0 (2020-11-30)
	+ slightly changed the structure of the module and simplified the inclusion of the class autoloader
v1.23.0 (2022-07-15)
	+ added an option for mailing to a given list of addresses
	+ improved sending via CRON
	+ improved formation of greetings
	+ improved the mailer
	+ code improvements
	+ updated dependencies
You may use the demo of the module only on the "test" subdomain of any domain, for example: "". See other system requirements for the module in the "Data sheet" section of the description.