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Module JivoChat - more than Live Chat
for PrestaShop 8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5

Turn your website visitors into paying customers with JivoChat. Integrations with other popular apps and more!


About author

Maksim T.
Maksim T.
Works since 2010.
Products: 47.
JivoChat - more than Live Chat
The most popular!


Short description

Turn your website visitors into paying customers with JivoChat. Integrations with other popular apps and more! According to statistics about 38% of online sales are made with the help of online chat.

Benefits for merchants

The advantages of this module over other solutions.

  1. A programmer is not needed! The normal installation that everyone knows (no need to coding or install any additional modules to add the widget on a website).
  2. Everything is simple in the module settings (you can input the existing widget ID or register a new one without leaving the module settings).
  3. It is easy to disable or enable the widget by the module (with another solution of "directly inserting the widget code" by editing a PrestaShop template, you will have to correct this code every time).
  4. The template caching is included (very small, but an extra penny to a performance of a site - this is can not be done by "directly inserting the widget code").
  5. This module is developed and maintained by the trusted official partner!

The advantages of JivoChat over other solutions.

  1. The full set of essential functions by a price lower than competitors.
  2. Forever free version plan for five users, i.e. operators (more than enough for shops with little customer activity).
  3. The full-featured application for a desktop computer and applications for mobile devices (Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone and of course for a Web-browser).
  4. The full-featured business phone system (Jivo Telephony).
  5. It give much more than other self-hosted software and includes free online support for merchants.

Benefits for customers

Online chat is probably the most convenient tool for communication on a website. It makes it easy to ask a question to a consultant and get an answer quickly.


The module features.

  1. Enter an existing widget ID or simply registering a new one directly from the module settings!
  2. Before a registering a new widget ID the module auto-complete all necessary input fields!

JivoChat features.

  1. You can easily to change a design of the chat window on your website.
  2. The full set of essential functions: Multilingual, CRM integration, Detailed visitor info, Automatic triggers, Typing insight, Real-time visitor monitor, Service quality ratings, E-mail chat transcripts, File transfer, Offline lead generator, Quick phrases helper, Translator, Black list, Callback, Departments, Pointer, Geo-IP regions and more.
  3. Integrations with favorite software (receive messages from social networks, export statistics to various CRM, connect the acceptance of payments in the chat, etc.).
  4. Powerful API and Mobile SDK.
  5. Read more about features and benefits in Other section.


The module has a normal installation (one click to install) and it is easy to configure. In the module settings you need to specify your widget ID. If you do not have it, you need to register (just follow the instruction in the module settings). If you already have the widget ID, then copy it from the widget code to the input field in the module settings. The widget code you can get from the welcome message in your E-mail after the registration or from the JivoChat application back-office: Then, insert the ID to the input field in module settings.


Additional benefits for buyers of this module.

  1. The professional plan for free for new JivoChat account for two weeks!
  2. Read the user manual of the module, there you will find a gift to get a full month of free use of Jivo professional plan for one operator! Note that Jivo free plan includes access for five operators, but with less features.

The user interface of Jivo application ( is available in languages:

  1. Bahasa
  2. English
  3. Spanish
  4. Portuguese
  5. Turkish
  6. Russian

Available languages for the chat widget:

  1. Belarusian
  2. Belgium Dutch
  3. Brazilian Portuguese
  4. Chinese
  5. Czech
  6. Danish
  7. Dutch
  8. English
  9. Finnish
  10. French
  11. German Dutch
  12. Greek
  13. Indonesian Bahasa
  14. Italian
  15. Japanese
  16. Kazakh
  17. Norwegian
  18. Polish
  19. Portuguese
  20. Romanian
  21. Russian
  22. Spanish
  23. Swedish
  24. Turkish
  25. Ukrainian


Website demo for PrestaShop 1.7

Demo video clip:

Data sheet

  • Compatible with versions of PrestaShop: 8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5
  • Compatible with Thirty bees: yes
  • Compatible with versions of PHP: 5.6 or newer
  • Installation: normal
  • Uses PrestaShop classes override system: no
  • Core modifications: no
  • Includes a documentation: yes
  • Includes free consultations: yes
  • Translated into languages: EN, RU
  • Version: 2.7.0 (2024-04-12)
  • License: Proprietary license for source-available software
  • Product type: Module
Maksim T. 11/23/2019 11:32:50

The discount of 30% for the professional license of JivoChat until December 2, 2019: BLACKFRIDAY30
Enter this coupon when replenishing the balance in your JivoChat account. I remind everyone that for one user the service is free! Download the free JivoChat module and get up to 38% increase in sales. If you are not registered in JivoChat yet, then this is easily done right through the module in a minute!

Kowalski S. 03/8/2019 01:11:50

The best module of JivoChat. Easy to install and configure.

v0.1.0 (2014-02-12)
	+ the first release of the module for PrestaShop 1.2-1.6
v0.2.0 (2015-01-08)
	+ added setting to type JivoSite Widget ID
	+ added translation
	+ break support PrestaShop 1.2-1.4
v0.9.0 (2015-02-05)
	+ added automatic creation of the JivoSite account via API
	+ some code changes for the module information (icon, documentation and so on)
v0.9.2 (2015-06-19)
	+ added template caching
	+ code documentation
v0.9.4 (2016-09-26)
	+ removed a property that restricts the module installation on PrestaShop versions out of the predefined range.
	+ some code improvements
v1.0.0 (2016-12-24)
	+ fixed a problem with toggle field sets (with this the module now supports PrestaShop 1.7)
	+ code improvements: created constants for configuration settings, added method for strong password generation, code reformat
	+ documentation a little has updated
v1.5.0 (2018-11-21)
	+ multiple code improvements
	+ improved the translation
	+ updated the documentation
v2.0.0 (2018-11-21)
	+ improved the registration form
v2.1.0 (2018-12-06)
	+ changes according to a new JivoChat API version
v2.3.0 (2020-11-15)
	+ restored and improved Jivo account registration form (at some point after updating an external PHP library, 
	  an account was registered correctly, but a user was informed that it could not be registered)
	+ added a link for authorization immediately after registering a Jivo account without entering a username and password
	+ improved API service error handling (added message that an account is already registered under the specified E-mail,
	  instead of the confusing message "Invalid E-mail")
v2.3.1 (2020-12-10)
	+ fixed HTTP request header to Jivo service
v2.4.0 (2020-12-29)
	+ removed an alternative way to register a Jivo account
v2.5.0 (2021-08-23)
	+ updated dependencies and a client code
	+ some code improvements
v2.6.0 (2022-11-19)
	+ added hooks: displayBeforeBodyClosingTag, displayCheckoutFooter
	+ updated dependencies
v2.7.0 (2024-04-12)
	+ added support for PrestaShop 8 and Thirty bees
	+ some code improvements
	+ updated dependencies