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Script PrestaShop diagnostic tool
for PrestaShop 1.7, 1.6, 1.5

This is PrestaShop diagnostic tool (and the library) that helps to find problems with a server configuration.


About author

Maksim T.
Maksim T.
Works since 2010.
Products: 47.


The customer service for this component does not include free personal consultations. Only business offers and important information are accepted.
PrestaShop diagnostic tool
The most popular!


Short description

This is PrestaShop diagnostic tool (and the library) that helps to find problems with a server configuration.

How to use

Copy the folder "psdiag" to your PrestaShop root directory (where there are index.php, init.php and so on). Run this script via web browser or from console, for example:


  1. Run from browser: http://localhost/psdiag/index.php
  2. Run from console: php index.php

After the check, delete the folder of the tool.

First of all the PrestaShop diagnosis should be done from a web browser because PrestaShop is the web application.

Report example:

PrestaShop version: 1.7 (
PHP version: 5.6 (5.6.38)
ionCube version: 10.3.9
PrestaShop classes override system enabled: Yes
The site has configuration issues: Yes
[fail] : Checking recommended PHP compatibility. Recommended PHP version: 7.1. So that your PrestaShop is compatible with as many modules as possible and works stably.
[ok] : Checking Apache2 configuration. The module "mod_rewrite" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. Functions must be enabled: fclose, fread, fwrite, rename, file_exists, unlink, rmdir, mkdir, getcwd, chdir, chmod.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. Recommended to install "Zlib" extension.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. Recommended to install "ionCube Loader" extension with 10.3.9 version or newer.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The "DOM" extension must be enabled. The example of installation command in Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install php-xml.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The "JSON" extension must be enabled. The example of installation command in Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install php-json.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The "SimpleXML" extension must be enabled. The example of installation command in Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install php-xml.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The "ZIP" extension must be enabled. The example of installation command in Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install php-zip.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_curl" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_fileinfo" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_gd2" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_intl" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_mbstring" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_openssl" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The extension "php_pdo_mysql" (recommended) or "php_mysqli" must be enabled.
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The option "allow_url_fopen" must be "On".
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The option "allow_url_include" must be "Off".
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The option "file_uploads" must be "On".
[ok] : Checking PHP configuration. The value of these options must be empty: "auto_prepend_file" and "auto_append_file" (for security reasons and for the operation of some modules).
[ok] : Checking required PHP compatibility. Minimum but not recommended PHP version: 5.6. Maximum PHP version: 7.2. Your PHP version: 5.6.38.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: app/Resources/translations.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: app/config.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: cache.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: config.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: download.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: img.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: log.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: mails.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: modules.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: themes/classic/cache.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: themes/classic/lang.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: themes/classic/pdf/lang.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: translations.
[ok] : Checking write permissions (recommended: 0755) for the directory: upload.

How to help the project grow and get updates

Write a review in the comments tab. That's all! :)

Information for advanced users

See the project on GitHub:

Data sheet

  • Compatible with versions of PrestaShop: 1.7, 1.6, 1.5
  • Compatible with versions of PHP: 5.4 or newer
  • Installation: normal
  • Uses PrestaShop classes override system: no
  • Core modifications: no
  • Includes a documentation: no
  • Includes free consultations: no
  • Translated into languages: EN, RU
  • Version: 2.2.0 (2022-10-29)
  • License: Open source license
  • Product type: Script

There are no comments for this moment.

v1.0.0 (2017-04-01)
	+ the first release for PrestaShop 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
v2.0.0 (2021-10-30)
	+ multiple improvements in tests and, at the same time, now the test 
	  results are described in great detail, and recommendations are given
	+ added display of information about the software used, so that you can
	  easily understand, for example, whether a module is compatible with 
	  your PrestaShop and your server configuration
v2.1.0 (2022-03-06)
	+ added "The site has configuration issues" check to the software info section
	+ added check for PHP options "auto_prepend_file" and "auto_append_file"
v2.2.0 (2022-10-29)
	+ improved checking PHP compatibility
	+ replaced short array syntax to a the traditional syntax to support PHP prior of 5.4