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Module Enhanced import tool
for PrestaShop 1.3

Imports categories, products, balances, comments, combinations, customers, manufacturers, suppliers, addresses. Supports Excel XML format.


About author

Maksim T.
Maksim T.
Works since 2010.
Products: 47.


The customer service for this component does not include free personal consultations. Only business offers and important information are accepted.
Enhanced import tool
The most popular!


Short description

The module includes all features of the default import tool, but does not include its many problems and has additional features.


Imports the following data:

  1. Categories.
  2. Products.
  3. Remains
  4. Products comments.
  5. Combinations.
  6. Customers.
  7. Addresses.
  8. Manufacturers.
  9. Suppliers.

Differences from the default tool:

  1. Supports Excel 2003 XML format (MS Office: 2003, 2007, 2010).
  2. Imports product comments.
  3. Allows you to update the remains of products and combinations.
  4. Identifies products and combinations by reference on import/update.


Demo video clip (v1.2.0):

Data sheet

  • Compatible with versions of PrestaShop: 1.3
  • Compatible with versions of PHP: 5.4 or newer
  • Installation: normal
  • Uses PrestaShop classes override system: no
  • Core modifications: no
  • Includes a documentation: yes
  • Translated into languages: EN, RU
  • Version: 1.5.0 (2021-08-19)
  • License: Open source license
  • Product type: Module
Maksim T. 06/10/2021 12:12:58

I see no reason to do this. There are many other modules that works on modern versions of PrestaShop.

Valerio M. 06/9/2021 20:58:56

update for the actually presta version

v0.9.0 (2010-11-11)
	+ the first release for PrestaShop 1.3
v1.0.0 (2011-05-14)
	+ added import comments
	+ added import remains
v1.2.0 (2012-08-19)
	+ some changes in UI
v1.2.2 (2014-10-31)
	+ added import product combinations via update (instead of delete and then insert)
	+ added update product combinations remains
	+ the option to update remains is activated by default
	+ some user interface improvements
	+ updated translation
	+ some code improvements
v1.3.0 (2015-03-08)
	+ now a column with a product name is optional
	+ for importing product attributes now can be used 'ID product' or a reference
	+ improved finding a product for update: a product can be find by it's combination reference
	+ added a setting to set attributes separator
	+ refactoring  - removed old code that supports PrestaShop 1.2
	+ added setting "update only"
	+ updated documentation
v1.5.0 (2021-08-19)	
	+ improved the block about the module
	+ added an integration with Quality service (automatic sending of information about errors 
	  to the developer when installing or uninstalling a module)
	+ fixed a typo in a translation
	+ made code improvements a little
	+ added PHPDoc to methods and classes